Parking Tracking System Using Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and NODEMCU ESP8266 Based IoT
IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science(2023)
Generally, many parking systems have not implemented a tracking intelligent system with the help of sensor technology and applications combined with the Internet of Things. This creates a lot of problems with the unexpected and irregular overflow of parking volumes. In overcoming the above problems, a study was made that discusses the parking tracking system design with the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor intelligent working system using a smartphone and an Internet of Things (IoT) based web application. This parking tracking system will use the main component, namely the ultrasonic sensor and several other components, namely the NODEMCU ESP8266. The Internet of Things will be used in this parking smart work system to provide information to parking users through a web system about the location of vacant parking slots. With this web system, users will be able to use the booking model and see which parking positions are available. The model used is a chip that is programmed and placed in each parking lot so that it can transmit digital information signals to a server that can be accessed in real-time by the user. With the planning of a parking tracking intelligent work system, it is hoped that it can help management of parking usage by users.
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GPS Tracking,IoT,IoT Technology
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