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Trajectory Distribution Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Trajectory Prediction Considering Spatio-temporal Interactions and Scene Information

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(2023)

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Pedestrian trajectory prediction has been broadly applied in video surveillance and autonomous driving. Most of the current trajectory prediction approaches are committed to improving the prediction accuracy. However, these works remain drawbacks in several aspects, complex interaction modeling among pedestrians, the interactions between pedestrians and environment and the multimodality of pedestrian trajectories. To address the above issues, we propose one new trajectory distribution aware graph convolutional network to improve trajectory prediction performance. First, we propose a novel directed graph and combine multi-head self-attention and graph convolution to capture the spatial interactions. Then, to capture the interactions between pedestrian and environment, we construct a trajectory heatmap, which can reflect the walkable area of the scene and the motion trends of the pedestrian in the scene. Besides, we devise one trajectory distribution-aware module to perceive the distribution information of pedestrian trajectory, aiming at providing rich trajectory information for multi-modal trajectory prediction. Experimental results validate the proposed model can achieve superior trajectory prediction accuracy on the ETH & UCY, SSD, and NBA datasets in terms of both the final displacement error and average displacement error metrics.
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pedestrian trajectories,graph convolution,multi-head self-attention,trajectory multimodality,trajectory heatmap
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