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The Future of Vocational Competence: Perspective of Vocational Teachers, Industries, and Educational Expert


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This study aims to formulate the future competencies of vocational needed by the world of work, and find the main aspects that graduates must have to support them in the world of work. This study used quantitative inquiry approaches with questionnaire or inventory, focus group discussion, interview, literature review, and documentation as the methods of data collection. The subjects of the study were 18 experienced teachers from 18 vocational school, 15 industries representatives, 6 vocational education experts, and 4 vocational education practice. Data were analysed descriptively. The results show that the future of vocational competence consist of specific competencies in the form of high-level technical skills supported by general competencies such as technology and information skill, honesty, mastering foreign languages, discipline, critical thinking, creatively and innovatively, responsible, attitude, teamwork, and communication skills. The study also found that soft skills or employability skills were the main aspects that graduates must have in a complementary integrated with hard skills.
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disruptive technology,competence,vocational,vocational teachers,expert
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