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Sequence Stratigraphy of the Eocene Deep-Water Organic-Rich Mudstones in the Fushun Basin, Northeast China

Journal of petroleum exploration and production technology(2023)

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Sequence stratigraphy study in mudstone and oil shale strata is difficulty but critical for the analysis of the quality unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. This contribution investigates the sequence stratigraphy of the Eocene thick organic-rich fine-grained sediments in the Fushun basin, according to the organic geochemical data measured in laboratory and predicted by the amplitude difference the resistivity and the density curve when they are overlapping (which was called ΔlogR). The sampling interval of ΔlogR was 0.125 m. The results show that the total organic carbon, the oil yield, and the petroleum potential of the Eocene mudstones prove a good linear correlation between values measured in lab and values predicted by the ΔlogR model. A total of 21 parasequences are identified in mudstones and can be divided into two cycles, a fully developed lower cycle and an underdeveloped upper cycle. There are four organic matter accumulation stages in a fully developed cycle, including two stages in the uprising half-cycle characterized by low values and rising values of the predicted geochemical data, respectively, followed by two stages in the declining half cycle characterized by high values and decreasing values of the predicted geochemical data, respectively. This contribution provides a basis for a further analysis of the characteristics of organic matter cycles in the oil shale strata of the Fushun Basin and areas with similar situation.
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Key words
Deep-water mudstone,Sequence stratigraphy,ΔlogR,Fushun Basin, China,Eocene
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