Isolation of new neolignans and an unusual meroterpenoid from Piper cabagranum
Frontiers in Natural Products(2024)
A novel meroterpenoid cabagranin D was isolated with related neolignans cabagranins A–C from the leaves of Piper cabagranum (Costa Rica). Cabagranins A–C represent the first examples of 3,3′-neolignans isolated from the plant genus Piper, and the meroterpenoid cabagranin D displays an unprecedented Diels–Alder conjugate of an unsubstituted phenylpropenone and α-phellandrene. Details of the full structural elucidation of these compounds and a discussion of their potential biosynthetic relationships are presented.
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Key words
meroterpene,Diels–Alder,neolignan,Piper cabagranum,Piperaceae
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