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Predicting the Subcellular Location of Prokaryotic Proteins with DeepLocPro

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2024)

Cited 0|Views6
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Protein subcellular location prediction is a widely explored task in bioinformatics because of its importance in proteomics research. We propose DeepLocPro, an extension to the popular method DeepLoc, tailored specifically to archaeal and bacterial organisms. DeepLocPro is a multiclass subcellular location prediction tool for prokaryotic proteins, trained on experimentally verified data curated from UniProt and PSORTdb. DeepLocPro compares favorably to the PSORTb 3.0 ensemble method, surpassing its performance across multiple metrics on our benchmark experiment. The DeepLocPro prediction tool is available online at and . ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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Subcellular Localization,Support Vector Machines
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