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Identification and Mitigation of Predominant Challenges in the Utilization of Aged Traction Batteries Within Stationary Second-Life Scenarios


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As the production of battery cells experiences exponential growth and electric vehicle fleets continue to expand, an escalating number of traction batteries are nearing the conclusion of their operational life for mobility purposes, both presently and in the foreseeable future. Concurrently, the heightened interest in sustainable energy storage solutions has spurred investigations into potential second-life applications for aging traction batteries. Nonetheless, the predominant practice remains the removal of these batteries from electric vehicles, signifying the end of their life cycle, and their subsequent incorporation into recycling processes, with limited consideration for life-extending measures. This study seeks to elucidate the reasons behind the deprioritization of battery repurposing strategies. Therefore, the research team conducted two industry studies with over 20 battery experts from Europe, revealing concerns about the economic viability of repurposing batteries for stationary storage applications. A literature review of studies published since 2016 confirmed the industry's struggles to address this issue theoretically. In conclusion, a research question was formulated, and a solution approach was delineated to assess the economic prospects of aged traction batteries within the industry's landscape in the future. This solution approach encompasses pertinent market analysis, the identification of representative second-life applications, as well as the formulation of a methodology for evaluating the residual value of these batteries.
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battery repurposing,second-life battery,battery circular economy,battery life cycle
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