
Chromosome-level genome of Ambrosia trifida provides insights into adaptation and the evolution of pollen allergens

International journal of biological macromolecules(2024)

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Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed) is an invasive plant that can cause serious damage to natural ecosystems and severe respiratory allergies. However, the genomic basis of invasive adaptation and pollen allergens in Ambrosia species remain largely unknown. Here, we present a 1.66 Gb chromosome-scale reference genome for giant ragweed and identified multiple types of genome duplications, which are responsible for its rapid environmental adaptation and pollen development. The largest copies number and species-specific expansions of resistancerelated gene families compared to Heliantheae alliance might contribute to resist stresses, pathogens and rapid adaptation. To extend the knowledge of evolutionary process of allergic pollen proteins, we predicted 26 and 168 potential pollen allergen candidates for giant ragweed and other Asteraceae plant species by combining machine learning and identity screening. Interestingly, we observed a specific tandemly repeated array for potential allergenic pectate lyases among Ambrosia species. Rapid evolutionary rates on putative pectate lyase allergens may imply a crucial role of nonsynonymous mutations on amino acid residues for plant biological function and allergenicity. Altogether, this study provides insight into the molecular ecological adaptation and putative pollen allergens prediction that will be helpful in promoting invasion genomic research and evolution of putative pollen allergy in giant ragweed.
Ambrosia trifida,Chromosome-scale construction,Expansion of resistance-related gene families,Putative pollen allergens prediction,Positive selection of putative pectate lyases allergens
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