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On Coded Caching Systems with Offline Users, with and without Demand Privacy against Colluding Users


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Coded caching is a technique that leverages locally cached contents at the end users to reduce the network's peak-time communication load. Coded caching has been shown to achieve significant performance gains compared to uncoded schemes and is thus considered a promising technique to boost performance in future networks by effectively trading off bandwidth for storage. The original coded caching model introduced by Maddah-Ali and Niesen does not consider the case where some users involved in the placement phase, may be offline during the delivery phase. If so, the delivery may not start or it may be wasteful to perform the delivery with fictitious demands for the offline users. In addition, the active users may require their demand to be kept private. This paper formally defines a coded caching system where some users are offline, and investigates the optimal performance with and without demand privacy against colluding users. For this novel coded caching model with offline users, achievable and converse bounds are proposed. These bounds are shown to meet under certain conditions, and otherwise to be to within a constant multiplicative gap of one another. In addition, the proposed achievable schemes have lower subpacketization and lower load compared to baseline schemes (that trivially extend known schemes so as to accommodate for privacy) in some memory regimes.
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