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Simulations of Transient Heat Transfer Within Cold-Storage Unit During Solidification Incorporating Nanomaterial

Journal of energy storage(2024)

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This research investigates the solidification within a container characterized by a sinusoidal upper wall and rectangular fins at the bottom surface. The loading of nanoparticles into the water substantially expedites the solidification process, presenting substantial strides in energy efficiency. The employment of the Galerkin method in tandem with an adaptive mesh guarantees accurate simulation results. Validation with previous publication indicated good agreement. This pioneering methodology bears the potential to transform sustainable energy technologies, underscoring the pivotal contributions of nanoparticles and adaptive grid strategies in augmenting solidification process efficiency. As phi increases, the solidification time declines about 32.44 % which is associated with increment of conduction. Selecting powders with higher "m" can enhance freezing rate about 10.7 %. Higher concentration of powders can enhance the impact of "m" about 4 %.
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Key words
Discharging,Galerkin method,Conduction,Nanomaterial,Sinusoidal tank
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