
Influence of Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Phase Angle Values of People Living with HIV/AIDS with Lipodystrophy Secondary to Antiretroviral Therapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Thalita Bandeira Dantas, Alline Peralta Castro, Fernando de Souza Flexa Ribeiro Filho,Rosana Maria Feio Libonati

Food and Nutrition Sciences(2024)

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Objective: The measurement of phase angles is an important monitoring parameter and supplementation with omega-3 could promote benefits by modulating the electrical potential of membranes and increasing body cell mass. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on the phase angle of people living with HIV/AIDS. Methods: In this study, 63 individuals of all genders who were undergoing outpatient follow-up and showed lipodystrophy due to highly active antiretroviral therapy were analyzed. Our sample consisted of two groups, one that received supplementation containing 2550 mg of omega-3/day (1080 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and 720 mg of docosahexaenoic acid) for three months (n = 32) and another that underwent nutrition guidance (n = 31). Phase angle and body cell mass were assessed for both groups and compared at the beginning of research (T0) and after our intervention (T1) for each group separately. Results: Phase angle averaged 6.45° ± 1.06 SD. The comparison between T0 and T1 showed a significant increase in phase angle and body cell mass, whereas the guidance group showed a decrease in body cell mass at T1 in relation to T0, with a significant p-value. Variance in phase angle between moments showed significant values between T0 and T1 in the supplementation group for all genders. Conclusion: Omega-3 positively modulated patients phase angle and body cell mass, but we emphasize the need for other studies that can solidify knowledge about supplementation dosage and intervention time.
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