On the Statistical Properties of Generative Adversarial Models for Low Intrinsic Data Dimension
Despite the remarkable empirical successes of Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs), the theoretical guarantees for their statistical accuracy remain rather
pessimistic. In particular, the data distributions on which GANs are applied,
such as natural images, are often hypothesized to have an intrinsic
low-dimensional structure in a typically high-dimensional feature space, but
this is often not reflected in the derived rates in the state-of-the-art
analyses. In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap between the theory and
practice of GANs and their bidirectional variant, Bi-directional GANs (BiGANs),
by deriving statistical guarantees on the estimated densities in terms of the
intrinsic dimension of the data and the latent space. We analytically show that
if one has access to n samples from the unknown target distribution and the
network architectures are properly chosen, the expected Wasserstein-1 distance
of the estimates from the target scales as O( n^-1/d_μ) for
GANs and O( n^-1/(d_μ+ℓ)) for BiGANs, where d_μ and
ℓ are the upper Wasserstein-1 dimension of the data-distribution and
latent-space dimension, respectively. The theoretical analyses not only suggest
that these methods successfully avoid the curse of dimensionality, in the sense
that the exponent of n in the error rates does not depend on the data
dimension but also serve to bridge the gap between the theoretical analyses of
GANs and the known sharp rates from optimal transport literature. Additionally,
we demonstrate that GANs can effectively achieve the minimax optimal rate even
for non-smooth underlying distributions, with the use of larger generator
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