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Co-design of Anti-windup Compensator and a Novel Saturation-based Dynamic Event-triggered Mechanism for Asymmetric Saturated System

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems(2024)

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This paper addresses the co-design of anti-windup compensator and a novel saturation-based dynamic event-triggered condition for asymmetric saturated system. Asymmetric saturation frequently appears in practical systems, which may seriously degrade the system performance. For the systems with undetectable state, dynamic output feedback controller is employed in this paper. A saturation-based dynamic event-triggered mechanism related to the upper and lower bounds of asymmetric saturation is proposed in this paper, which has better performance in reducing the event-triggered number than static event-triggered condition. In addition, the minimum triggering time interval is calculated to avoid Zeno behavior. An optimization problem is formulated to maximize estimated stable region for the closed-loop system. Finally, the proposed results are illustrated by a numerical example.
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Anti-windup compensation,asymmetric saturation,dynamic output feedback control,saturation-based dynamic event-triggered mechanism
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