Blackbody radiation and thermal effects on chemical reactions and phase transitions in cavities
An important question in polariton chemistry is whether reacting molecules
are in thermal equilibrium with their surroundings. If not, can experimental
changes observed in reaction rates of molecules in a cavity (even without
optical pumping) be attributed to a higher/lower temperature inside the cavity?
In this work, we address this question by computing temperature differences
between reacting molecules inside a cavity and the air outside. We find this
temperature difference to be negligible for most reactions. On the other hand,
for phase transitions inside cavities, as the temperature of the material is
actively maintained by a heating/cooling source in experiments, we show
cavities can modify observed transition temperatures when mirrors and cavity
windows are ideal (non-absorbing); however, this modification vanishes when
real mirrors and windows are used. Finally, we find substantial differences in
blackbody spectral energy density between free space and infrared cavities,
which reveal resonance effects and could potentially play a role in explaining
changes in chemical reactivity in the dark.
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