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NavHint: Vision and Language Navigation Agent with a Hint Generator

Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics(2024)

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Existing work on vision and language navigation mainly relies on navigation-related losses to establish the connection between vision and language modalities, neglecting aspects of helping the navigation agent build a deep understanding of the visual environment. In our work, we provide indirect supervision to the navigation agent through a hint generator that provides detailed visual descriptions. The hint generator assists the navigation agent in developing a global understanding of the visual environment. It directs the agent's attention toward related navigation details, including the relevant sub-instruction, potential challenges in recognition and ambiguities in grounding, and the targeted viewpoint description. To train the hint generator, we construct a synthetic dataset based on landmarks in the instructions and visible and distinctive objects in the visual environment. We evaluate our method on the R2R and R4R datasets and achieve state-of-the-art on several metrics. The experimental results demonstrate that generating hints not only enhances the navigation performance but also helps improve the interpretability of the agent's actions.
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