
The Effect of the Ageing Process on the Desorption of Nonylphenol in Black Carbon-Sediment Systems: a Kineto-Mechanistic and Modeling Investigation.

Mingyang Sun, Han Liu, Feixiang Liu,Hong Yang,Guanghuan Cheng

Environmental science Processes & impacts(2024)

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Black carbon (BC) exhibits promising potential as a sediment amendment owing to its commendable adsorption capacity for hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs), thereby resulting in HOC-laden sediments. Desorption kinetic studies play a crucial role in comprehending the release potential of HOCs from BC-sediment systems. Although the adsorption capacity of BC for HOCs has been found to decrease with aging, there is limited research on its impact on HOC desorption kinetics. In this study, BCs derived from agricultural waste (rice straw carbon, RC) and industrial waste (fly ash carbon, FC), respectively, were used to investigate the desorption kinetics of nonylphenol (NP). Additionally, a predictive model was established using the fitting parameters obtained from the modified two-domain model. The results showed that desorption of NP was divided into three fractions: rapid fraction (Frap), slow fraction (Fslow) and resistant fraction (Fr). BCs significantly decreased, while ageing increased the desorption amount and rate of NP. The performance of RC in controlling NP release was superior to that of FC. The predicted values calculated by the established model exhibit significant positive correlations with the measured values (p < 0.01). Additionally, the correlation analysis between sorption sites and desorption fractions revealed that the concentration of NP in the desorbing fraction was nearly equivalent to that of NP in partition sites within aged sediment/FC-sediment systems. However, the aged RC-sediment systems do not conform well to this rule. In other words, the estimation of NP release risk from sediments with a strong adsorbent would be overestimated, if Frap + Fsolw is considered equivalent to the desorbing fraction.
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