
The Current Advancement of Zirconate Based Dual Phase System in Thermal Barrier Coatings (tbcs): New Modes of the Failures: Understanding and Investigations

Alexandria Engineering Journal /Alexandria Engineering Journal(2024)

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The demand for efficient engineering components operating in harsh environments has necessitated the exploration of advanced protective measures. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have emerged as a promising solution for improving the performance, durability, and lifespan of components exposed to high temperatures, corrosive conditions, and neutron irradiation. Advanced ceramic materials specially pyrochlore of zirconates significance are enhancing the performance and longevity of components exposed to extreme thermal conditions. Dual-phase innovative zirconate coatings and their hot corrosion mechanism, a complex phenomenon involving the simultaneous presence of multiple corrosive species, is extensively explored. The interplay between different corrosion mechanisms and their impact on TBCs are elucidated, providing valuable insights for the development of effective mitigation strategies. This article addresses the understanding the hot corrosion mechanism and corrosion types, new innovative dual phase composite systems with improved properties, their experience with molten salt and pure oxidation environments followed by the stresses experienced by TBCs, highlighting the importance of understanding and managing mechanical and thermal stresses during operation. Coatings design, material selection, and advanced manufacturing techniques are discussed as key factors in alleviating these stresses and enhancing TBC performance. To overcome the challenges associated with hot corrosion and stresses, innovative strategies are being investigated. These include the development of novel coatings compositions, the incorporation of protective layers, advanced characterization techniques, and the exploration of alternative materials. This piece of review article provides a thorough analysis of these techniques and how they might increase the robustness and dependability of TBCs. Finally, we highlight the contemporary applications of TBCs in gas turbines, aero engines, nuclear industries, and other high-temperature situations.
Degradation Mechanisms,Zirconate Degradations,Dual Phase TBCs systems,Architecture of TBCs,New failure modes
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