
Design of Surpassing Damping and Modulus Nanocomposites with Tunable Frequency Range Via Hierarchical Bio-Architecture

Chenhao Xu, Haibo Feng,Yan Li, Li


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The challenges of both high stiff and high dissipative properties are critical obstacles in structural engineering, particularly for the wide frequency range. This study proposes an innovative design method for creating nanocomposites with exceptional damping and modulus, offering tunability in temperature or frequency. The design principle is based on the hierarchical microstructure of the nanocomposite encompasses dangling chains at the atomic level, devisable microstructures in intermolecular macromolecules at the molecular level, and compatible domains between multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and macromolecules at the coarse level. To enhance damping performance, a self-healing epoxy resin based on transesterification, known for its atomic-level dangling chains, serves as the matrix. Control of the glass transition temperature is achieved by adjusting the ratios of glutaric anhydride (stiff) and sebacic acid (flexible) in the curing agent. Dangling chains and the soft curing agent can improve damping, but they are negative to modulus. To counterbalance this, this study introduces high-modulus MWCNTs, resolving the inherent conflict between stiffness and damping. A damping model is constructed to recognize the continuous distribution of relaxation times of our designed composites. The designed nanocomposites have surpassing damping and modulus with tunable temperature or frequency range, surpassing the limited loss modulus of conventional engineering materials.HighlightsThe design principle of both high stiff and lossy properties of bones is revealed.Microstructural features are employed for fabricating our nanocomposite.High damping and moduli composites with tunable temperature are attained.A damping model is established for the distribution of relaxation times.Hierarchical bio-architecture defeats the conflict of stiffness versus damping. Design of surpassing damping and modulus nanocomposites with tunable frequency range via hierarchical bio-architecture.image
covalent adaptable networks,damping model,nanocomposites,self-healing epoxy,surpassing damping
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