
Radiocarbon dating and freshwater reservoir effects of aquatic mollusks within fluvial channel deposits in the midwestern united states


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Late Quaternary fluvial channel deposits are notoriously difficult to date. In the midwestern United States, shells of aquatic mollusks can be found within many fluvial channel sediments and therefore can be radiocarbon (14C) dated to determine the age of the deposits. However, carbonate platform rocks are abundant in this region, potentially causing freshwater 14C reservoir effects (FRE) in mollusk shells. We 14C dated 11 aquatic gastropod and bivalve shell samples from specimens collected live from a stream in southwestern Ohio during three different years to assess the modern 14C reservoir effect. Modern samples yielded an average 14C FREmodern of 518 +/- 65 14C yrs for 2020 (n=5), 640 +/- 34 14C yrs for 2021 (n=2), and 707 +/- 76 14C yrs for 2022 (n=4). We also 14C dated matched pairs of organic wood or charcoal and aquatic mollusk shells from late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Four Mile Creek floodplain to determine the FREfossil. These samples, free of any potential influence from nuclear bomb testing, yielded an overall weighted mean FREfossil of 1029 +/- 345 14C yrs. We then assess the advantages and limitations of both the FREmodern and FREfossil methods for determining freshwater reservoir effects. Finally, we apply the FREfossil correction to a series of shell ages from fluvial terrace deposits as a case study. The results indicate that although there is a 14C FRE in streams from the midwestern United States, aquatic shells can provide robust age control on fluvial channel deposits. More research is needed to understand the spatial and temporal variability of FREs, as well as any species effects, among various watersheds across the midwestern United States.
bivalve,freshwater reservoir effect,fluvial deposits,gastropod,geochronology,mollusks,radiocarbon,rivers,streams
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