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A Scalable Vector Graphics Warping System for Anthropomorphizing Game Characters

IEEE Access(2024)

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How can scalable vector graphics (SVG) data of human faces be transformed to resemble specific animal faces? Since the early 20 th century, multimedia featuring animals has garnered significant attention, particularly as interest in anthropomorphic animals has grown. In this paper, we survey various anthropomorphic studies. Additionally, we develop a warping system for anthropomorphizing animal characters. Our system enables the automatic generation of anthropomorphized animal characters using SVG datasets. This dataset includes frontal and side views of 60 animal species commonly featured in animations, as well as male and female human characters. Users can create new anthropomorphized animal characters using our dataset and their vector data. Our warping system implements a continuous warping technique between animal and human facial shapes in ten stages, supported by a developed algorithm and an SVG warping program. The code of the warping system and SVG dataset are available at link:
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Animals,Anthropomorphism,Faces,Animation,Deformation,Scalability,Character recognition,Character generation,Video games,Portals,Teleportation,Scalable vector graphics,anthropomorphized animal character,automatic character creation,game character,warping
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