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Analysis of load characteristics and fatigue life prediction of fixed frog nose rail under complex conditions based on load spectrum compilation

Engineering failure analysis(2024)

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The rail profile irregular variation and wheel-rail relationships complexity at the gap in the frog enhance the wheel-rail impact forces, frequently resulting in rolling fatigue damage under complex cyclic loads. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the transient rolling contact load characteristics of fixed frog and to compile load spectrum considering various complex conditions for analyzing the fatigue damage of frog and extending the service life of structure. In this paper, a 3D transient FE model of wheelset and fixed frog is established, revealing rolling contact behavior of wheel-rail in frog area from both macro and mesoscopic perspectives. In order to investigate long-term load characteristics of wheel and rail under complex service conditions, the changes of line conditions, load conditions, rail wear state and other influencing factors in actual operation are taken into account. Based on elliptic Gaussian kernel density theory, a method for compiling the load spectrum of fixed frog nose rail is proposed, and the FP method is used for fatigue crack initiation life prediction of nose rail in fixed frog. The results show that the force state is more severe when passing through the frog in straight reverse direction, and resonance is prone to occur in the third and fifth vertical bending modes of the frog, as well as the fourth and sixth vertical bending modes of the stock rail. The increase in factors such as speed, axle load, wheelset lateral displacement towards frog side and wing rail wear will exacerbate wheel-rail impact and shorten frog service life. Different factors have an impact on the overall amplitude, oscillation center range, and maximum frequency load of the wheel-rail force in the long-term load spectrum of the frog. The fatigue crack initiation area of nose rail is mainly in 30 mm-35 mm sections, which is consistent with the on-site flaw detection results, verifying the accuracy of the calculation method developed in this paper.
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Three-dimensional wheelset-fixed frog tran,sient analysis finite element model,Wheel-rail load characteristics,Complex service conditions,Load spectrum compilation,Fatigue crack initiation prediction
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