
Virtual Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Current Status and Future Prospects

Expert Systems with Applications(2024)

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Advanced Process Control (APC) has become an increasingly pressing issue for the semiconductor industry, particularly in the new era of sub-5 nm process technology. To minimize human input in analyzing equipment state and output quality, Virtual Metrology (VM), one such incredibly reliable and resource-saving APC tool built on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, was introduced as an aide to real metrology and is aimed at predicting semiconductor product quality based on equipment status/process variables and sampled actual metrology. In this paper, VM efforts for semiconductor manufacturing applications are, for the first time, systematically reviewed. Based on comprehensive mining of literature, a generic architecture for semiconductor VM is presented, and the general requirements are discussed. Moreover, the state-of-the-art VM works for prominent processes involved in semiconductor manufacturing are surveyed, and the unique contributions of those VM predictive works are summarized and compared. Nevertheless, VM is still in its infancy stage, and there are significant hurdles that prevent wider VM implementation and acceptance in semiconductor industry. In this end, a critical analysis is provided to reveal the research gaps and discuss the challenges, such that further research can be simulated in the future. It is hoped that this work could illuminate researchers to understand the needs and future directions towards developing VM technology for semiconductor processes.
Virtual Metrology,Semiconductor Manufacturing,Artificial Intelligence,Advanced Process Control,Predictive Algorithms
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