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Internet of robotic things for independent living: Critical analysis and future directions


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The elderly population is growing rapidly around the world. At the same time, the number of people living with a disability is increasing. Due to lower immunity, decreased mobility, and a shortage in healthcare facilities and clinical staff, these populations face severe health challenges, including a limited ability to live independently. Advanced technological solutions can be used to support healthy and independent living, improving the quality of life of individuals. In this paper, we explore the emerging but underexplored field of internet of robotic things (IoRT) for independent living support. IoRT employs various on-body, off-body and ambient sensors to get real-time information from individuals, with robotic systems used to provide assistance with daily activities, critical and emergency events. We find that most of the previous IoRT works monitor the people offline and store their sensory data for later analysis instead of online processing and offering real-time assistance. We undertake a critical examination of the limitations and future opportunities in the field, with particular attention given to the health domain to provide autonomous, secure and independent living to elderly and people living with a disability (PLWD).
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Internet of robotic things,Independent living,Smart home,Health,Activity,Elderly,Disability
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