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A review of control strategies for automatic generation control in power systems with renewable energy

Ming Kuang,Youwen Tian,Qingyu Liu, Meng Zhao, Xin Wu


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This review presents a state-of-the-art literature review of automatic generation control (AGC) control strategies for power systems containing renewable energy sources. The incorporation of renewable energy into the power system has a large impact on the stability, reliability, economy and security of the power system. To mitigate these effects, it is important to choose a suitable control strategy for AGC. However, there is a limited amount of literature available on the review of AGC in renewable energy power systems, so a review of AGC control strategies for renewable energy-containing power systems is necessary. The investigation of this paper focuses on all kinds of different AGC control strategies for renewable energy-containing power systems, such as proportional integral derivative control, fuzzy control, artificial neural network control, etc, and compares and considers these different control methods, while this paper summarises the power system models with/without renewable energy. In addition, this paper summarises and discusses the application of intelligent optimization algorithms and energy storage systems to control strategies. The problems and future research directions of the current research on power systems with renewable energy sources are also discussed.
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Key words
automatic generation control,renewable energy,power systems,control strategies,intelligent optimization algorithms
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