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Static-Voltage-Stability Analysis of Renewable Energy-Integrated Distribution Power System Based on Impedance Model Index


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Static-voltage stability has become one of the most significant risks faced by large-scale renewable energy integration. However, traditional methods for static-voltage-stability analysis are often overly complex. This paper constructs an equivalent impedance model for renewable energy-integrated distribution power systems, proposing a static-voltage analysis method for renewable energy-integrated distribution power systems based on an impedance model index. This method has been verified to be applicable not only to a renewable energy single-infeed system but also to a multi-infeed system. Furthermore, an analysis is conducted on the influence of the integration capacity, location of renewable energy, and the topology of networks on the impedance model index, indicating that a higher impedance model index corresponds to greater static-voltage-stability margins in the system. Hence, during the planning of renewable energy integration, the plan with the highest impedance model index should be selected. Finally, the accuracy of the analysis method and conclusions in this paper was validated based on the IEEE 14-node system.
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distribution power system,impedance model index,renewable energy,static-voltage stability
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