
Robust Ambiguity Datum for Real-Time GNSS Satellite Integer Clock Estimation

Kaifa Kuang, Jiaxing Zhao, Yanbing Jiang,Jian Wang,Shoujian Zhang

Advances in space research(2024)

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With the capability for single-receiver AR (Ambiguity Resolution), real-time GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellite integer clock has been the research hotspot of GNSS community in the past decade. Robust ambiguity datum is one prerequisite for high-quality integer clock. In this paper, with undifferenced AR model derived, a robust ambiguity datum definition method is proposed to isolate the signal biases from the integer ambiguity. Firstly, based on the ambiguity graph, the ambiguity datum is selected with the minimum spanning tree algorithm. Secondly, the ambiguity datum is transferred to the subsequent epochs through signal bias connection. Moreover, additional datum ambiguities are introduced to accommodate the arising of receiver and satellite in real-time circumstance. With the combination of ambiguity graph and signal bias, the efficient definition and smooth transition of ambiguity datum are assured for the real-time processing. To validate the approach, simulated real-time integer clock estimation for GPS/Galileo/BDS-3 satellites are conducted with one-month (January, 2022) data from about 100 global IGS (International GNSS Service) network stations. Experiments show that the proposed robust ambiguity datum can produce accurate real-time integer clock. The average WL (Wide-Lane) and NL (Narrow-Lane) fixed rates exceed 99% and 95%, respectively, for most of the GPS/Galileo satellites. While comparable WL fixed rate is achieved for the BDS-3 satellites, the NL fixed rate is about 5% lower as a result of poor orbit quality and imperfect measurement model. With eclipsing satellites excluded, the standard deviations between real-time integer clock and post-processed reference clock reach 0.018 ns and 0.016 ns for the GPS and Galileo constellations, respectively, which are 28% and 24% smaller than those of corresponding float clocks. In contrast, the standard deviations of float and integer clocks are similar for the BDS-3 constellation. Further improvements on the background models, including unconservative force modeling, satellite attitude modeling and antenna calibration are required to achieve ultimate accuracy, especially for the BDS-3 satellites.
Undifferenced ambiguity resolution,Ambiguity datum,GNSS,Integer clock
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