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AMBNet: Adaptive Multi-feature Balanced Network for Multimodal Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation

APSIPA transactions on signal and information processing(2024)

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This work proposes an Adaptive Multi-feature Balanced network (AMBNet) for semantic segmentation in complex urban remote sensing scenarios. To fully exploit optical images and Digital Surface Models (DSM) data obtained from remote sensing sensors, a Depth Feature Extraction and Balancer (DFEB) module is devised to estimate and balance the depth information of all pixels by capturing detailed structural compositions of the ground surface. After that, a Parallel Multi-Stage Segmentator (PMSS) comprised of a dual-branch Encoder and Decoder with skip connections is constructed to perform effective segmentation by exploiting the balanced DSM (BDSM) and optical information. As a result, the proposed AMBNet can make effective use of optical images to complete depth information, so as to achieve multimodal information-assisted semantic segmentation for complex remote sensing scenes. Comprehensive experiments performed on the ISPRS Vaihingen and Potsdam remote sensing datasets confirm the segmentation performance of the proposed method.
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Height estimation,Feature fusion,Multimodal semantic segmentation
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