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Max-Min Fairness in STAR-RIS Assisted WPCNs

GLOBECOM (Workshops)(2023)

Cited 0|Views13
Key words
Max-min Fairness,Wireless Powered Communication Network,Usage Rate,Power Transfer,Multiple Access,Wireless Power Transfer,Time Allocation,Wireless Power,Non-orthogonal Multiple Access,Fair Performance,Time Division Multiple Access,Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface,Multiple Access Scheme,Wireless Information Transfer,Baseline Schemes,Flexible Allocation,One-dimensional Search,Efficient Algorithm,Inner Layer,Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Scheme,Passive Beamforming,Energy Harvesting,Semidefinite Relaxation,User Fairness,Successive Interference Cancellation,Semidefinite Programming,Multiple-input Multiple-output,Decoding Order,Inter-user Interference
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