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Iso-Diffusion: Improving Diffusion Probabilistic Models Using the Isotropy of the Additive Gaussian Noise


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Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) have accomplished much in the realm of generative AI. Despite their high performance, there is room for improvement, especially in terms of sample fidelity by utilizing statistical properties that impose structural integrity, such as isotropy. Minimizing the mean squared error between the additive and predicted noise alone does not impose constraints on the predicted noise to be isotropic. Thus, we were motivated to utilize the isotropy of the additive noise as a constraint on the objective function to enhance the fidelity of DDPMs. Our approach is simple and can be applied to any DDPM variant. We validate our approach by presenting experiments conducted on four synthetic 2D datasets as well as on unconditional image generation. As demonstrated by the results, the incorporation of this constraint improves the fidelity metrics, Precision and Density for the 2D datasets as well as for the unconditional image generation.
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