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Contextual beamforming: Exploiting location and AI for enhanced wireless telecommunication performance

APL Machine Learning(2024)

Cited 0|Views14
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Beamforming, an integral component of modern mobile networks, enables spatial selectivity and improves network quality. However, many beamforming techniques are iterative, introducing unwanted latency to the system. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in leveraging mobile users’ location information to expedite beamforming processes. This paper explores the concept of contextual beamforming, discussing its advantages, disadvantages, and implications. Notably, we demonstrate an impressive 53% improvement in the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio by implementing the adaptive beamforming maximum ratio transmission (MRT) algorithm compared to scenarios without beamforming. It further elucidates how MRT contributes to contextual beamforming. The importance of localization in implementing contextual beamforming is also examined. Additionally, the paper delves into the use of artificial intelligence (AI) schemes, including machine learning and deep learning, in implementing contextual beamforming techniques that leverage user location information. Based on the comprehensive review, the results suggest that the combination of MRT and zero-forcing techniques, alongside deep neural networks employing Bayesian optimization, represents the most promising approach for contextual beamforming. Furthermore, the study discusses the future potential of programmable switches, such as Tofino—an innovative switch developed by Barefoot Networks (now a part of Intel)—in enabling location-aware beamforming. This paper highlights the significance of contextual beamforming for improving wireless telecommunications performance. By capitalizing on location information and employing advanced AI techniques, the field can overcome challenges and unlock new possibilities for delivering reliable and efficient mobile networks.
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