Transnational Network Dynamics of Problematic Information Diffusion
This study maps the spread of two cases of COVID-19 conspiracy theories and
misinformation in Spanish and French in Latin American and French-speaking
communities on Facebook, and thus contributes to understanding the dynamics,
reach and consequences of emerging transnational misinformation networks. The
findings show that co-sharing behavior of public Facebook groups created
transnational networks by sharing videos of Medicos por la Verdad (MPV)
conspiracy theories in Spanish and hydroxychloroquine-related misinformation
sparked by microbiologist Didier Raoult (DR) in French, usually igniting the
surge of locally led interest groups across the Global South. Using inferential
methods, the study shows how these networks are enabled primarily by shared
cultural and thematic attributes among Facebook groups, effectively creating
very large, networked audiences. The study contributes to the understanding of
how potentially harmful conspiracy theories and misinformation transcend
national borders through non-English speaking online communities, further
highlighting the overlooked role of transnationalism in global misinformation
diffusion and the potentially disproportionate harm that it causes in
vulnerable communities across the globe.
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