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Unravelling the Power of Single-Pass Look-Ahead in Modern Codecs for Optimized Transcoding Deployment

Vibhoothi Vibhoothi, Julien Zouein,François Pitié,Anil Kokaram


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Modern video encoders have evolved into sophisticated pieces of software in which various coding tools interact with each other. In the past, singlepass encoding was not considered for Video-On-Demand (VOD) use cases. In this work, we evaluate production-ready encoders for H.264 (x264), H.265 (HEVC), AV1 (SVT-AV1) along with direct comparisons to the latest AV1 encoder inside NVIDIA GPUs (40 series), and AWS Mediaconvert's AV1 implementation. Our experimental results demonstrate single pass encoding inside modern encoder implementations can give us very good quality at a reasonable compute cost. The results are presented as three different scenarios targeting High, Medium, and Low complexity accounting quality/bitrate/compute load. Finally, a set of recommendations is presented for end-users to help decide which encoder/preset combination might be more suited to their use case.
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