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Dynamic coupling between cementation and porosity evolution of the Chang 8 tight sandstone reservoir, Ordos Basin: Insights from in-situ microanalysis

Marine and Petroleum Geology(2024)

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Understanding cement paragenesis is crucial to the study of the porosity evolution in low-permeability sandstone reservoirs. Carbon and oxygen isotope analysis with micro-drilling sampling, electron probe microanalysis, and laser Raman spectroscopy microanalysis was used to clarify the origin of cements and their relationship with reservoir quality of the Chang 8 tight sandstone reservoir in the Longdong area of the Ordos Basin. The predominant cements are chlorite, illite, kaolinite, quartz, and carbonate, which occur in 3 forms: grain rim, overgrowth, and filling of intergranular pore and intragranular dissolved pore. The quantitative paragenesis of the cements is established based on the formation temperature of cements obtained through fluid inclusion, oxygen isotope, chemical composition and Raman parameters. The main source of carbon for carbonate cements is the decarboxylation of organic matter in the adjacent mudstone interlayers. The conversion of smectite to illite and the dissolution of feldspar and previous carbonates provide Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe3+ ions for carbonate cements and authigenic chlorite, and the authigenic chlorite rim continuously grows from the grain surface outward. The porosity reduction by the cements mainly occurs during the main hydrocarbon filling period (80-120 degrees C), and the reservoir belongs to the type of "hydrocarbon accumulation prior to significant porosity reduction". This study provides a new approach for studying the temporal and spatial evolution of clastic rock diagenesis.
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Cements,Tight sandstone diagenesis,Porosity evolution,Chang 8,Yanchang formation,Ordos basin
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