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Assessing Intra- and Inter-Community Trustworthiness in IoT: A Role-Based Attack-Resilient Dynamic Trust Management Model

Internet of things(2024)

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IoT is regarded as the key technology for boosting the Industry 4.0 revolution. However, the introduction of high-intelligence devices and complex services raises new challenges for security in IoT. In this paper, a role-based attack-resilient trust management (TM) model for community-driven IoT is proposed at two different levels. First, the intra-community TM enables the IoT nodes within the same community to be monitored dynamically based on their service roles, namely service provider (SP) and service rater (SR). Second, the inter-community TM examines the trust between different communities in terms of cooperativeness. The proposed model has been simulated under various attacks on service. The numerical results show the effectiveness in evaluating both intra- and inter-community trustworthiness. Moreover, the preliminary results of implementation demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model and also partly validate the proposed model in practice.
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Security in IoT,Trust management (TM),Attack on service,Malicious behavior detection,Implementation
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