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Print! Place! Perform!: Additively Manufactured Surface-Mounted Bandpass Filter in X Band

IEEE Microwave Magazine(2024)

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The advance of 3D-printing technology over the last decade makes additive manufacturing not only attractive for rapid prototyping, but also provides it as a trendsetting approach to realize conventional as well as sophisticated functional microwave and millimeter-wave passive components. It has proven its ability to replicate conventional waveguides with a comparable electrical performance [1] . In this way, low-cost, lightweight waveguides with customized dimensions and shapes are realizable. Moreover, 3D printing enables the implementation of unconventional complex-shaped waveguide components, such as filters [2] , [3] , interconnects, or antennas [4] , whose design is restricted by the engineer’s creativity rather than by limitations of conventional fabrication techniques.
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Key words
Additive Manufacturing,Passive Components,Implementation Of Components,Magnetic Field,Resonance Frequency,Quality Factor,Center Frequency,Mixture Solution,Printed Circuit Board,Sheet Resistance,Filter Design,Perturbation Method,Low Roughness,Competition Law,Reference Volume,Low Insertion Loss,Filtrate Volume,Electroless Plating,Transmission Zeros,3D-printed Parts,Third-order Filter,Cavity Height
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