
Improvement of the Ocular Prognosis of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A National Survey in Japan

American Journal of Ophthalmology(2024)

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PURPOSE To investigate the incidence and prognostic factors of ocular sequelae in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)/toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) cases arising between 2016 and 2018 in Japan, and compare the findings with those presented in the previous 2005-2007 survey. DESIGN Retrospective, national trend survey . METHODS Dermatological case report forms (CRFs) (d-CRFs) were sent to 257 institutions that treated at least 1 SJS/TEN case, and 508 CRFs were collected from 160 institutions. Ophthalmological CRFs (o-CRFs) regarding patient demographic data, onset date, ocular findings (first appearance, day of worst severity, and final follow-up), topical treatment (betamethasone), outcome (survival or death), and ocular sequelae (visual disturbance, eye dryness) were sent to the ophthalmologists in those 160 institutions. The results of this survey were then compared with that of the previous 2005-2007 survey. RESULTS A total of 240 cases (SJS/TEN: 132/108) were included. The incidence of ocular sequelae incidence was 14.0%, a significant decrease from the 39.2% in the previous survey (SJS/TEN: 87/48). In 197 (82.1%) of the cases, systemic treatment was initiated within 3 days after admission, an increase compared to the previous survey (ie, treatment initiated in 82 [60.7%] of 135 cases). Of the 85 cases with an Acute Ocular Severity Score of 2 and 3, 62 (72.9%) received corticosteroid pulse therapy and 73 (85.9%) received 0.1% betamethasone therapy; an increase compared to the 60.0% and 70.8%, respectively, in the previous survey. Ocular-sequelae-associated risk factors included Acute Ocular Severity Score (P < 0.001) and specific year in the survey (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The ophthalmologic prognosis of SJS/TEN has dramatically improved via early diagnosis, rapid assessment of acute ocular severity, and early treatment.
SJS/TEN,Ocular sequelae,Early diagnosis,Corticosteroid pulse therapy
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