Decoding at the Speed of Thought: Harnessing Parallel Decoding of Lexical Units for LLMs
Large language models have demonstrated exceptional capability in natural
language understanding and generation. However, their generation speed is
limited by the inherently sequential nature of their decoding process, posing
challenges for real-time applications. This paper introduces Lexical Unit
Decoding (LUD), a novel decoding methodology implemented in a data-driven
manner, accelerating the decoding process without sacrificing output quality.
The core of our approach is the observation that a pre-trained language model
can confidently predict multiple contiguous tokens, forming the basis for a
lexical unit, in which these contiguous tokens could be decoded in
parallel. Extensive experiments validate that our method substantially reduces
decoding time while maintaining generation quality, i.e., 33% speed up on
natural language generation with no quality loss, and 30% speed up on code
generation with a negligible quality loss of 3%. Distinctively, LUD requires
no auxiliary models and does not require changes to existing architectures. It
can also be integrated with other decoding acceleration methods, thus achieving
an even more pronounced inference efficiency boost. We posit that the
foundational principles of LUD could define a new decoding paradigm for future
language models, enhancing their applicability for a broader spectrum of
applications. All codes are be publicly available at Keywords: Parallel
Decoding, Lexical Unit Decoding, Large Language Model
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