Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Aircraft Transponders Using a Multi-Mode Multi-Port Antenna.
Increasing airspace safety is an important challenge, both for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as well as manned aircraft. Future developments of collision avoidance systems are supposed to utilize information from multiple sensing systems. A compact sensing system could employ a multi-mode multi-port antenna (M 3PA). Their ability to radiate multiple orthogonal patterns simultaneously makes them suitable for communication applications as well as bearing and ranging applications. Furthermore, they can be designed to flexibly originate near-omnidirectional and/or directional radiation patterns. This option of flexibility with respect to the radiation characteristic is desired for antennas integrated in collision avoidance systems. Based on the aforementioned properties, M 3PAs represent a compelling option for aircraft transponders. In this paper, direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using an M 3PA designed for aerial applications is put to the test. First, a DoA estimation scheme suitable to be employed with M 3PAs is introduced. Next, the validity of the proposed method is confirmed through numerical simulations. Lastly, practical experiments are conducted in an antenna measurement chamber to verify the numerical results.
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6G,ACAS X,airspace safety,direction-of-arrival estimation,experimental verification,multi-mode multi-port antennas,networked sensing systems,sense and avoid,unmanned aerial vehicles
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