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A Comprehensive Analysis of Public Sentiment Towards ChatGPT's Privacy Implications.

International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(2024)

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In this research, we examine the rapid proliferation of ChatGPT, a leading-edge chatbot powered by sophisticated large language model (LLM) technology, and its privacy implications on societal perspectives. While it demonstrates state-of-the-art capabilities in a variety of language-generating tasks, it also raises widespread public concerns regarding its societal impact. By employing advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, such as sentiment analysis and topic modeling, our study analyzes public attitudes towards ChatGPT using a dataset derived from Twitter. Our result shows that the overall sentiment is largely neutral and the public’s heightened sensitivity to privacy and security breaches. Among a wide range of topics mentioned in tweets, the most popular topics are malicious phishing, data privacy, international policy and Employee data concern in workplace.
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