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Bone-organ axes: bidirectional crosstalk

Military Medical Research(2024)

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In addition to its recognized role in providing structural support, bone plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality and balance of various organs by secreting specific cytokines (also known as osteokines). This reciprocal influence extends to these organs modulating bone homeostasis and development, although this aspect has yet to be systematically reviewed. This review aims to elucidate this bidirectional crosstalk, with a particular focus on the role of osteokines. Additionally, it presents a unique compilation of evidence highlighting the critical function of extracellular vesicles (EVs) within bone-organ axes for the first time. Moreover, it explores the implications of this crosstalk for designing and implementing bone-on-chips and assembloids, underscoring the importance of comprehending these interactions for advancing physiologically relevant in vitro models. Consequently, this review establishes a robust theoretical foundation for preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases related to the bone-organ axis from the perspective of cytokines, EVs, hormones, and metabolites.
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Bone-organ axes,Bidirectional crosstalk,Cytokines,Osteokines,Extracellular vesicles,Hormones,Metabolites
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