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A Secure User Authentication Scheme for Crypto-Wallet in IoT Environment

Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications(2024)

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Presently, the prevalent environment is the Internet of things (IoT) since it can connect a large number of different gadgets in an increasingly wide range, and lead to the risk of information leakage. In addition, the field of cryptocurrency is a hot topic with many sophisticated thefts, so the progressive utilization of crypto-wallets should protect transactions from eavesdropping. Clearly, IoT could be a promising and challenging environment for quick and secure cryptocurrency exchanges. Recently, there have been several works on user authentication schemes in this environment, and they were built from highly reliable formal analysis. However, we discovered that they have several limitations, such as replays and privileged insider attacks. In this paper, we propose an enhanced version an execution time of approximately 10 milliseconds and a communication cost of 448 bytes in the authentication phase. Furthermore, only 128 bytes of user storage is suitable for IoT crypto-wallet applications. Additionally, the security of our solution is guaranteed with formal models and popular simulation tools.
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