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Overview of the Grand Challenge on Detecting Cheapfakes at ACM ICMR 2024.

International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval(2024)

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Information disorder is one of the most typical challenges in the current era of science and technology. The amount of information on the internet is increasing, but its correctness and authenticity are not always guaranteed, leading to false information, fake news, etc. The mentioned problem negatively affects users' reception and use of information. Unlike deepfake, cheapfake is created using simple techniques and does not rely on AI to produce fake multimedia. Cheapfake is becoming increasingly popular due to its ease of creation. Thus, there is a growing need to develop techniques that can detect cheapfake content. Following previous events, the Grand Challenge on Detecting Cheapfakes at ACM ICMR 2024 continues to seek contributions from researchers on cheapfake detection with the goal of improving effectiveness and creativity in approach, and understanding the limitations of the current dataset. This challenge has accepted 6 new proposed methods from participants with the highest private test accuracies achieved at 72.2% for Task 1 and 54.84% for Task 2. The highest public test accuracies for the two tasks are 95.6% and 93% respectively. These new methods focus on incorporating new AI models such as Stable Diffusion, LLM. These new findings represent the latest advancements in cheapfake detection research and introduce new potential approaches for future research.
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