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An Unusual Crystalline Porous Framework Constructed from Multitypes of Cages with Proton Conduction Property and Heterogeneous Catalytic Activity for Pyrazole Synthesis.

Xiao-Qi Ma, Yu-Feng Liu, Guo-Ping Yang, Xiang-Jian Kong,Xin-Xiong Li,Shou-Tian Zheng

Inorganic chemistry(2024)

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An unusual crystalline porous framework constructed from four types of cages, including all-inorganic Keggin-type polyoxometalate (POM) cages [H3W12O40]5-, organic hexamethylenetetramine (Hmt) cages, nanosized silver-Hmt coordination cages, and giant POM-silver-Hmt cages, was hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized. The framework features a highly symmetrical structure with one-dimensional nanoscale channels and holds good thermal/solvent stability, which endow it with proton conduction properties and heterogeneous catalytic activity for pyrazole. This paper not only contributes to broadening the structural diversity of cage-based crystalline porous framework materials but also sheds new light on the design of new functional framework materials.
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