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Live Demonstration: Real-Time Object Detection & Classification System in IoT with Dynamic Neuromorphic Vision Sensors

Zehao Li,Wenhao Lu,Yuncheng Lu, Junying Li, Yucen Shi,Yuanjin Zheng, Tony Tae-Hyoung Kim

2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)(2024)

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In this paper, we demonstrate an energy-efficient real-time object detection and classification system featuring a hybrid event-based frame generation pipeline and a background-removal region proposal algorithm. The event-based frame is generated by aggregating active events within a programmable time interval, generating an event-based binary image (EBBI). This approach enables the utilization of low-complexity algorithms for denoising and object detection. The background-removal region proposal algorithm reduces memory requirements and removes dynamic backgrounds, leading to better detection performance. The proposed system is demonstrated on Zynq-7000 FPGA device with a DAVIS346 sensor. Experimental results show that the proposed system achieves comparable detection accuracy while requiring significantly less computation than existing event-based trackers.
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Neuromorphic vision sensors,address event representation,event-based binary image
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