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Vietnamese User Awareness Against Scams in Cyberspace: an Empirical Survey

SCID '24 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Security-Centric Strategies for Combating Information Disorder(2024)

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While technological advancement brings undeniable benefits in improving the quality of daily life, it also poses some risks, such as increasing users’ exposure to scams and cyber fraud. In the realm of cyber scam prevention, enhancing user awareness is crucial; however, in Vietnam, there are still few reports assessing user awareness. To measure and understand how well Vietnamese users can recognize active fraudulent schemes, we conducted an empirical survey with n = 205 participants to gain a more profound knowledge of how Vietnamese users detect and protect themselves against scammers. The survey result shows that even though awareness-raising activities are not popular with participants, they can still recognize scamming scenarios at an above average rate, and prior experience as a scammed victim makes users more aware of the situation. The survey results also show that participants with information technology-related jobs can more precisely detect scam scenarios.
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