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Production of Bacterial Protease Via Solid-State Cultivation with Agro-Industrial By-Products and Eco-Friendly Perspectives of Enzyme Application

Carolina Becker da Silva, Gabriela Poll Moraes, Rubia Godoy Hoffmann, Tainara Lenz Goettems, Amanda Mendonça Azambuja,Daniel Joner Daroit

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy(2024)

Cited 0|Views1
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Microbial proteases are relevant biotechnological tools, contributing to industrial development from a greener standpoint. Its cost-effective production is an important topic, and solid-state cultivation (SSF) represents a simple and economical approach to this end. Hence, SSF parameters were investigated to increase protease production by Bacillus sp. CL18, and the potential applications of the crude enzyme were evaluated. Among six agro-industrial by-products screened as SSF substrates (5 g), higher protease production occurred with corn silage discards (spoiled silage). Yields were increased at 80
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Bioconversion,Biomass valorization,Microbial protease,Biocatalysis,Silver recovery,Bioactive hydrolysates
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