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Examining Trust’s Influence on Autonomous Vehicle Perceptions

Liang Tang,Masooda Bashir

2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)(2024)

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The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) represents a transformative shift in transportation, promising to redefine mobility and alter our interaction with vehicles. Understanding public perceptions of AVs is crucial, as it influences the adoption and integration of this technology into society. This research conducts a comprehensive investigation into the factors that influence people’s attitudes toward AVs, examining the associated benefits and concerns, as well as the extent of trust placed in this emerging technology. The primary objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the elements that contribute to human-machine trust in the context of AVs. The findings reveal a consistent pattern in the propensity to trust AVs and concerns regarding performance failures, both at individual and societal levels. From a societal perspective, enhanced locomotion independence is the primary benefit of AV deployment, contributing to increased accessibility and reduced reliance on conventional transportation systems. At the individual level, increased free time emerges as the foremost advantage. These findings provide AV developers and policymakers the critical insight when deploying autonomous vehicle systems.
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Human Factors for Intelligent Vehicles,Policy,Ethics,and Regulations
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