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Disentangle and denoise: Tackling context misalignment for video moment retrieval

Kaijing Ma, Han Fang,Xianghao Zang, Chao Ban, Lanxiang Zhou, Zhongjiang He, Yongxiang Li, Hao Sun,Zerun Feng, Xingsong Hou


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Video Moment Retrieval, which aims to locate in-context video moments according to a natural language query, is an essential task for cross-modal grounding. Existing methods focus on enhancing the cross-modal interactions between all moments and the textual description for video understanding. However, constantly interacting with all locations is unreasonable because of uneven semantic distribution across the timeline and noisy visual backgrounds. This paper proposes a cross-modal Context Denoising Network (CDNet) for accurate moment retrieval by disentangling complex correlations and denoising irrelevant dynamics.Specifically, we propose a query-guided semantic disentanglement (QSD) to decouple video moments by estimating alignment levels according to the global and fine-grained correlation. A Context-aware Dynamic Denoisement (CDD) is proposed to enhance understanding of aligned spatial-temporal details by learning a group of query-relevant offsets. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed CDNet achieves state-of-the-art performances.
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