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Anna H. Ou,Sara B. Rosenthal,Mazda Adli,Kazufumi Akiyama,Nirmala Akula,Martin Alda,Azmeraw T. Amare,Raffaella Ardau,Barbara Arias,Jean-Michel Aubry,Lena Backlund,Michael Bauer,Bernhard T. Baune,Frank Bellivier,Antonio Benabarre,Susanne Bengesser,Abesh Kumar Bhattacharjee,Joanna M. Biernacka,Pablo Cervantes,Guo-Bo Chen,Hsi-Chung Chen,Caterina Chillotti,Sven Cichon,Scott R. Clark,Francesc Colom,David A. Cousins,Cristiana Cruceanu,Piotr M. Czerski,Clarissa R. Dantas,Alexandre Dayer,Maria Del Zompo,Franziska Degenhardt,J. Raymond DePaulo,Bruno Etain,Peter Falkai,Frederike Tabea Fellendorf,Ewa Ferensztajn-Rochowiak,Andreas J. Forstner,Louise Frisen,Mark A. Frye,Janice M. Fullerton,Sebastien Gard,Julie S. Garnham,Fernando S. Goes,Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu,Paul Grof,Oliver Gruber,Ryota Hashimoto,Joanna Hauser,Urs Heilbronner,Stefan Herms,Per Hoffmann,Andrea Hofmann,Liping Hou,Stephane Jamain,Esther Jimenez,Jean-Pierre Kahn,Layla Kassem,Tadafumi Kato,Sarah Kittel-Schneider,Barbara Koenig,Po-Hsiu Kuo,Ichiro Kusumi,Nina Lackner,Gonzalo Laje,Mikael Landen,Catharina Lavebratt,Marion Leboyer,Susan G. Leckband,Carlos A. Lopez Jaramillo,Glenda MacQueen,Mario Maj,Mirko Manchia,Cynthia Marie-Claire,Lina Martinsson,Manuel Mattheisen,Michael J. McCarthy, Susan L. McElroy,Francis J. McMahon,Philip B. Mitchell,Marina Mitjans,Francis M. Mondimore,Palmiero Monteleone,Caroline M. Nievergelt,Markus M. Noethen,Tomas Novak, Urban Oesby,Norio Ozaki,Sergi Papiol,Roy H. Perlis,Claudia Pisanu,James B. Potash,Andrea Pfennig,Daniela Reich-Erkelenz,Andreas Reif,Eva Z. Reininghaus,Marcella Rietschel,Guy A. Rouleau,Janusz K. Rybakowski,Martin Schalling,Peter R. Schofield,K. Oliver Schubert,Thomas G. Schulze,Barbara W. Schweizer,Florian Seemueller,Giovanni Severino,Tatyana Shekhtman,Paul D. Shilling,Kazutaka Shimoda,Christian Simhandl, Claire M. Slaney,Alessio Squassina,Thomas Stamm,Pavla Stopkova,Sarah K. Tighe, Alfonso Tortorella,Gustavo Turecki,Eduard Vieta,Julia Volkert,Stephanie Witt,Naomi R. Wray,Adam Wright,L. Trevor Young,Peter P. Zandi,John R. Kelsoe
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 1034

#Citation: 62180

H-Index: 126

G-Index: 220

Sociability: 9

Diversity: 0

Activity: 6

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