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Papers共 24 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Seyram A. Doe-Tetteh,Sabrina Y. Camp,Dalicia Reales,Jett Crowdis,Anne Marie Noronha, Bernadette Wolff,Tina Alano,Jesse Galle,S. Duygu Selcuklu,Agnes Viale,Nicholas D. Socci,Ying L. Liu, William P. Tew, Carol Aghajanian,Marc Ladanyi,Meng Xiao He, Saud H. AlDubayan,Roei David Mazor, Ofer Shpilberg, Oshrat Hershkovitz-Rokah, Jose A. Riancho,Jose L. Hernandez, M. Carmen Gonzalez-Vela,Justin J. Buthorn, Manda Wilson, Amy E. Webber, Mariko Yabe, Kseniya Petrova-Drus, Marc Rosenblum, Benjamin H. Durham, Omar Abdel-Wahab,Michael F. Berger,Mark T.A. Donoghue,Andrew L. Kung, Julia Glade Bender,Neerav N. Shukla,Samuel A. Funt, Ahmet Dogan, Robert A. Soslow,Hikmat Al-Ahmadie,Darren R. Feldman,Eliezer M. Van Allen,Eli L. Diamond,David B. Solit
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 24

#Citation: 324

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 11

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 2

Activity: 13

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